Forward Pictures
Forward Pictures is a production company, which we founded back in 2008 with one purpose only – to make movies. Filmmaking is not just our profession – it’s our way of life. For the past seven years we gain a lot of experience in the independent moviemaking and in the show business in general. Also we gather a crew of professionals with solid background in the movie industry. Together we put maximum efforts and passion in every project. We are familiar with the filmmaking process and the movie market. Our main goal is to provide a high quality entertainment for the audience.
Our most powerful weapons are creativity and persistence.
We turn movie ideas into projects and run these projects from pen to screen.
Here is the main team of Forward Pictures

Martin Makariev
When Martin is sitting on the director’s chair he knows exactly what he wants and makes no compromise with quality of visual style, actor’s performances and storytelling. He directed the movie Roseville and a number of episodes for the most popular TV series in Bulgaria. He also gathered a lot of experience working as a second unit director for big movie productions.

Alexander Penev
To be an indie producer is a tough challenge. Alexander knows that from his personal experience with his last movie project “Roseville”. His most valuable asset is that he has an eye for good projects and he is ready to smash walls with his bare hands to see this projects greenlighted. His personal portfolio also includes commercial videos for major brands.

Bobby Zahariev
Bobby writes for TV series and for the big screen. His screenwriting portfolio includes the movie Roseville, numerous episodes for the most popular TV series in Bulgaria and a lot of copywrite materials for commercial ads.

Nikola Milenov
Nick is young, but experienced editor who has couple of feature films and several TV episodes in his portfolio. He also worked on a lot of music videos, short films and commercial videos.

Luiza Grigorova
Luiza has plenty of roles on stage and on screen. She dug deep into her characters in order to achieve best performance. Her acting portfolio includes some major roles for the highest-rating Bulgarian TV series.

Zhivko Petrov
A few years ago, when we released our previous film, a guy wrote on the FB page: “I liked the movie, but your poster sucks”. We answered: “Can you do a better one?” He did. Now this guy is part of our team.